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Anti-Muslim Pastor Terry Jones Planning to Appear at Anti-Islam Protest in Dearborn this Month

Florida Pastor Terry Jones—who gained international notoriety last year when he announced plans to burn a Quran live on television—is planning to appear at an anti-Islam rally in Dearborn, Michigan later this month. The rally will take place at a mosque on April 22nd.

Jones is well-known for his “International Burn a Koran Day” protests a year ago (they were cancelled) and has been a visible example of the rise in anti-Arab racism in the United States. Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center has circulated signs and other printed material claiming that “Islam is of the Devil.” They organization was recently spotlighted by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its anti-gay politics.

His actions have resulted in violent protests around the world, most recently in response to his organization’s burning of a Quran in Florida.

Michigan-Based “Order of the Dragon” Behind Jones’ Visit

Jones is not actually organizing the protest, rather he is billed as a “guest” at a protest organized by a Michigan-based group called “The Order of the Dragon.” They claim that they exist to “protect our country from the rise of radical Islam and the implementation of Sharia law.” The organization’s website is full of anti-Islam and anti-Arab statements, many of which focus on the issue of Palestine. It is staunchly pro-Israel absolves Israel of any wrong-doing with regard to the Palestinian people. Members of the Order of the Dragon are apparently involved in the Detroit punk scene, with one member singing in a band called Crude Legacy. Crude Legacy’s song “Mosque of Terror” is featured on the Order of the Dragon website.

Protests Planned

According to an article published on The Arab American News website, several different efforts are being planned to oppose the anti-Muslim rally. These include a community vigil, a press conference, and a letter writing campaign urging Florida pastor Terry Jones not to come to Dearborn.

Posted in People, Racist Rallies.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. Surf’s Up « After The Massacre linked to this post on 04/23/2011

    […] burning Christian supremacist Terry Jones brought along an interesting partner on his crusade here in Michigan by the name of Rabbi Nachum Shifren. Shifren is known as “The Surfing […]